Regione Piemonte

Tourist Map

Tourist map of the Municipality of Almese


“Guardie” Route

MTB route of medium difficulty, only one climb at the beginning, very panoramic and only one downhill. Average journey time 2.00 h (excluding pauses).

“Borgate” Route

MTB route not very challenging, both in terms of physical and technical effort, a single short uphill, then a flat trail in the woods and finally the panoramic path in the gorges of the Torrente Messa to reach the downhill that goes up to Borgata Giorda. Estimated time 1.30 h (excluding pauses).

“Roca Bianca” Route

The track’s departure is the locality Pera Pluc, it starts with a beautiful climb on a forest road (300mt of elevation gain), it goes on a technical descent (down to the altitude of 440 mt) at the Sanctuary Madonna delle Grazie, on a steep path.

“Miosa” Route

The MTB journey starts on a level path that leads to the road, then the route arrives to Pra Saboe from where a forest track starts going uphill. Reached the highest point, you proceed for a descent and then deviate fording the the Robella stream. Finally, a flat path through the woods leads back to Pra Saboe.

“Sacra Natura”

MTB route connecting Almese with the Sacra di San Michele and crossing some of the most beautiful places in the lower valley. From Almese you reach quickly Drubiaglio passing in front of the tower of S. Mauro and then along the pleasant flat path aside the Messa stream. From Drubiaglio you go on the natural reserve of the small lake of Avigliana, from there head towards Giaveno. Afterwards we proceed towards the Sentiero dei Principles that leads to the Sacra. Total time of 3.30 h (excluding pauses).



Pera Pluc

This pleasant locality presents a wonderful erratic boulder that can be climbed, reachable with the car. The boulder is indicated by a wooden sign; at the top, there is a taproot useful to secure oneself even if many lines can be faced without a rope. The boulder offers lines of various difficulties, from very easy (3a) up to rather complex passages (7a).

Fitness Area and Skate Track

In Via Granaglie there is a sports area dedicated to children, young people and adults: from the skate track to all sorts of sports equipment to keep in shape, training in the open air. The area is equipped with an explanatory panel with QR code to try different exercises.

Electric bikes

Bicincittà has brought the bikesharing in the central square (Piazza Martiri della Libertà): here you can find the station to borrow electric bicycles, very comfortable in this area that goes up and down. Different types of subscriptions are provided:

Tourist (also valid on Turin):

  • 4ForYou Mobile: € 8 per day with 4 hours of use, not necessarily consecutive
  • One Day Mobile: 5 € valid 24 hours from purchase, with 4 hours of consecutive use included; 12 € with 10 hours of use included, not necessarily consecutive
  • 2Days Mobile: 13 € valid 48 hours from purchase with 4 hours of use every 24 hours included, even if not consecutive

Annual, (the first hour of use of each day is free!):

  • Annual Mobile: 10 € subscription + 5 € top-up recharge, not valid in Turin
  • Annual Mobile: 20 € subscription + 5 € top-up recharge, also valid in Turin

More information on the appstore: “Bicincittà”.

“Tre Pais” Lake

Tre Pais Lake is open to fishing enthusiasts during the following times:

  • from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. (summer period) 7 days out of 7
  • from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (winter period) 7 days out of 7



Goja del Pis

The Pis waterfall – about 14 meters high in a basin of about 30 meters in diameter – has been shaped by hundreds of thousands of years of water erosion in particularly hard rocks. They are serpentinites, rocks rich in iron and magnesium, deriving from magmas of ancient oceanic crust. The route starts from the central square of Almese, at S. Anna bridge. If you arrive by car you should park in Alma Bertolo street. From here starts a path: 50 minutes and 150 meters of gradient that follows the Messa riverbed crossing the Borgata Fucinassa and then Gambabosco the green and transparent waters of the pool.

Parco Robinson

Beautiful green area of over 9500 square meters on the Via Francigena, between the center of Rivera and the industrial area. You will find picnic tables, playground for children, a fountain and a small pond. During the summer, it’s the location of some events like concerts and tastings.

Arboreto Didattico

On the fire trail, in the locality of Pian dei Listelli, a portion of the forest has become an area equipped for naturalistic didactics. There are explanatory panels and a semicircular arena formed by half-trunks benches around a flat boulder that acts as a natural stage. Starting from Pera Pluc following the fire trail for 700 mt you quickly reach the area.




In the municipality of Almese there are many examples of religious architecture: starting from the Parish “Nativity of the Virgin Mary” located in the center of the town and through the buildings of worship, widespread on the territory. Among these, the sanctuary and the church of Santa Maria in baroque style in a panoramic area, elevated above the main square.

Roman Villa

Archaeological site of the first century A.D. at the foot of Mount Musiné in Grange di Rivera, hosts the largest suburban villa in the northwestern Italian area. The first floor and part of the imposing monumental entrance, the central courtyard and the large terrace facing south towards the valley are preserved. The patronal villa, luxury residence in a vast agricultural estate, is one of the most important monuments of the Augustan antiquity present in Piedmont. It is possible to take guided tours (info: ArcA, +39 3420601365).

Magnetto Auditorium

The multifunctional building is mostly used to host theatrical performances, film projections, dance shows, conferences and other cultural entertainment activities. It had recently been undergoing redevelopment, equipped with Dolby Surround sound system and 4K projector.

Tower and Ricetto of S. Mauro

Already in 1029 a church with a bell tower stood on an outcropping rock. Around it the Benedictine monks built the center of their Curtis. About 250 years later the structures of defense were strengthened. The building therefore underwent a metamorphosis: from ancient monastic building to fortified village; from Curtis to Castrum. Among the remains of the fortifications, remarkable are the walls and the tower. The tower can be visited through guided tours (info: FIE, +39 3337586214), in addition, some rooms of the Ricetto host exhibitions and cultural events (info: ass. Cumalè, +39 3289161589).

Pagina aggiornata il 17/04/2023

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